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Teledyne e2v Semiconductors

Teledyne e2v offers you high-performance, high-reliability semiconductor solutions, which help you solve the most demanding problems of your complete signal chain. With a range of electronics and packaging solutions, we cater to applications in the space, military, civil avionics, industrial, medical and scientific markets. When you want the best ICs to give you winning systems Teledyne e2v Semiconductors has the solutions you need.

Teledyne e2v competencies & expertise are brought to the H2020 “Interstellar” project as key assets towards successful results. Their highly skilled staff will use such technical competencies but also bring its experience of European collaborative projects in the space field to successfully lead and coordinate the project.

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Fraunhofer IIS

Its research activities are conducted by 76 institutes and research units at locations throughout Germany. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft employs a staff of around 30,800, who work with an annual research budget of roughly €3.0 billion.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, headquartered in Erlangen, Germany, conducts world-class research on microelectronic and IT system solutions and services. Today, it is the largest institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

Fraunhofer IIS contributes to ORION with its academic expertise and scientific knowledge and its key competencies in satellite system design, waveform design, wideband and high-speed signal processing design, hardware, firmware and software design. This enables the research on new devices capable of providing high-speed and large bandwidths and their integration in test circuits, evaluation platforms and even future product designs. Fraunhofer IIS contributes by supporting and reviewing the specification of the different devices. The major part of the work concentrates on the demonstration board design, manufacturing and validation of these boards. These will serve as a basis for the other partners to investigate the feasibility of the developed components to work in new products of the partners.

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Indra is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, world leader in engineering technology for aerospace, defense and mobility business, and that heads digital transformation consultancy and information technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. In the financial year 2023, Indra achieved revenue totaling €4.343 billions, with more than 57,000 employees, local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.

Solutions for space and satellite communications are present in the defence & security and in the air traffic control sector. For over three decades, Indra has developed a wide range of military satellite communication terminals, which it sells all over the world. Indra designs complete satellite communication networks with network management and develops terrestrial, naval and submarine terminals and airborne SATCOM terminals and specific solutions for UAV, including the analysis of alternatives for integration in the controlled air space.

Indra is also very present in land satellite applications developing and supplying advanced solutions in the ground control segment for clients in over 20 countries, including: EUTELSAT, EUMETSAT, EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY, HISPASAT, telecommunications operators, Environmental Ministries and Air Navigation Agencies.

Indra has also led the design and development of the Space Surveillance Radar S3T. This system contributes to Europe having its own capacity to generate a catalog of the space debris that orbits around our planet.

The company is also part of the Galileo program, the most ambitious space initiative promoted by the European Commission and the European Space Agency. The technological capacity and engineering skills that are required for the systems design and development is found within the organization structure covering expertise in sectors as business strategy, program management, product and technology design and development or manufacturing/production.

The new initiative Startical, created by INDRA and ENAIRE, has the goal to develop and deploy a constellation of small satellites at low altitude to enhance air traffic management with a global service vision across the entire planet.

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Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is the largest Spanish technological university specialized in all engineering fields, computer science and architecture. With two recognitions as Campus of International Excellence, its outstanding research activity together with its highly-qualified professional trainings, make UPM a really competitive university at international level. More than 2.400 researchers carry out their activity at the UPM, grouped in more than 200 Research Groups, 20 Research Centers or Institutes and 55 Laboratories, all of them committed to transform the knowledge generated into innovation advances applied to the productive sector, contributing to solve the challenges of the European citizens.

The intense collaboration with governmental bodies and industry guarantees that research at UPM offers real solutions to real-world problems. The dynamism of R&D&I activity at the UPM, together with the transfer of knowledge to society, are among its lines of strategy.

These two commitments place UPM among the Spanish universities with the greatest research activity, both at national and international level, counting on an International Project Office that helps and support researchers in the international research arena. UPM highly innovation driven commitment is showed by the application for around 40 patents/year thanks to its Technology Transfer Office and by the generation around 20 spinoff/year (70% survival rate) trained and mentored by the UPM Center for Innovation Support. Moreover, UPM is highly committed to communication and outreach with and specific unit devoted to it. All this shows that UPM is an institution committed to the transfer of knowledge generated through its research structures to society, and its transformation into advances and technological developments applied to the productive sector.

As for the experience in coordinating projects, UPM coordinates about the 20% of the projects participated by UPM. Furthermore, UPM researchers count on International Project Office consisting of highly qualified professionals devoted to support researchers when presenting managing the European projects.

The UPM team participating in this proposal is with the Grupo de Radiación (GR: and B105 Electronics Systems Lab (B105:  GR are research units of the UPM integrated in the Information Processing and Telecommunications Center (IPTC: The IPTC was created by the UPM following the initiative of a number of highly competitive and recognized research groups working in the fields of Electronics, Communications, Networks, Computing and Software, with a strong vocation for multidisciplinarity and internationalization. The IP&T Center, by gathering the skills and experience of researchers and teams in a variety of ICT areas, focuses its research resources in the strategic areas such as: Smart Cities, Future Telecomms, Connected Industry, Data Engineering and Digital Transformation, Interaction and Interfaces, Health and Wellbeing Support, Mobility and Transport, Remote Sensing, Space and Defense.

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Thales Alenia Space

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Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque eget nisl ut purus ornare scelerisque. Phasellus porta, eros eget venenatis malesuada, sapien leo rutrum turpis, pellentesque pellentesque urna tellus non elit. Suspendisse gravida turpis turpis, non pulvinar leo aliquet quis. Nullam ornare vehicula libero id aliquam. Phasellus ac dictum dolor, quis bibendum orci. Praesent semper sapien in risus efficitur faucibus. Pellentesque et nisi et lectus varius cursus nec nec felis. Fusce lobortis consectetur lacinia.

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