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Octo Reconfiguable Converter

Active antennas with phased arrays are now universal in the world of satellites and are used in many different Microwave applications. The first application is telecommunications, which is certainly the leading one in terms of technology. They are also heavily used in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging, both for Earth Observation and Space Situational Awareness (SSA), as well as for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers on the ground and on satellite. Classical antennas (mechanical steered/fixed) or active antennas that utilize analog beamforming have been in use for many years. However, they present many drawbacks. That is why new architectures, based on digital beamforming, are emerging as future alternatives. They are more suitable to fulfil the structural requirements of the spaceborne equipment in contrast with the current analog, single aperture reflector antennas. Phased array antennas can have a light structure with a large aperture being more flexible and configurable. Other characteristics are high gain, long distance coverage, rapid beam scanning, agile beam steering, multibeam formation capability and easier maintenance (less hardware components and more software oriented).

The development of a new generation of Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) with radiofrequency (RF) sampling rates, wide analog bandwidth and low power consumption is needed for the development of the next generation of digital phased array antennas, which will be integrated in future European satellites. ADCs are also listed as a priority by the European Commission for supporting the needs arising from EU space missions. High-speed ADCs are qualified as critical space technologies in the Technical Guidance Document for Horizon European Space Work Programme 2023.

About the consortium

Objective 1:

To finalize the design and electrically characterize the 8-channel ADC technology allowing a sampling rate up to 6.4GSps per channel in the X-band (Fin up to 12GHz) with low power, and digital processing features (in particular, digital beamforming) thereby enabling the reduction of the volume of data to be transmitted at the ADC output via the high-speed serial interfaces.

Objective 2:

To technically verify and validate the features and technological performances of the ADC. In particular, demonstration boards will be developed to demonstrate the multi-channel and multi-device synchronization that is a strong requirement for active antennas. It shall also cover demonstrating the functionality of the multi-channel beamforming in the laboratory environment.

Objective 3:

To ensure the features and technological performances of the ADC are industrially validated and respond to the needs of the industry, which develops active antenna systems up to the X-band frequency. It shall act as a building block for preparing the market exploitation and sharpen the industrial competitive edge on the European and international markets.

Objective 4:

To strengthen the industrial autonomy by designing the appropriate framework for building a European resilient supply chain for developing and producing/manufacturing ADCs and prepare the next generation to improve sampling up to the Ka-band, while optimizing power dissipation thanks to European silicon technology.

Objective 5:

To communicate and disseminate the results to maximize the impacts of the project, build awareness in the scientific and industrial community and generate market demand for the ADC technology/product.